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Automated cash flow management system for the back

office : Float Recycler Manager

Secure and simplify the cash float allocation process with the FRM.

This cash recycler allows you to automate the organization and management of cash floats : deposits, withdrawals and supplies can be made at any time of the day and above all, in full autonomy by your employees.

According to their level of authorization, each employee identifies himself and withdraw the cash float assigned to him for the day. 

The manager and his team have more time to advise customers, to sell and increase their profits. 

Increase of the time spend to the sale.

Elimination of the time spend preparing cash float at the beginning and end of the service.

The risk of theft is eliminated.

No more handling of coins and banknotes.

+225 27 22 22 04 74

+225 27 22 22 04 64

+225 07 08 13 10 02

+225 07 07 80 01 13

Abidjan, Cocody Riviera 1

Cité BCET, non loin de l'Université

Félix Houphouët-Boigny