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Casino Redemption Kiosk

Casino Redemption Kiosk

Casino Purchase System

The CPS is a discreet, efficient and easy-to-use solution for casinos. This self-service cash system allows customers to purchase game tickets (TITO) or to top-up their Cashless account.

The customer has a complete autonomy on this kiosk.

Reduces the volume of cash to be processed in accounts.

Purchase game tickets via credit card and coins.

Other businesses can use this cash system as a payment solution.

+225 27 22 22 04 74

+225 27 22 22 04 64

+225 07 08 13 10 02

+225 07 07 80 01 13

Abidjan, Cocody Riviera 1

Cité BCET, non loin de l'Université

Félix Houphouët-Boigny